Group Value Date Offer for an Exceptional Experience

Contracts must be signed by February 28, 2025

Receive the following benefits:

  • Complimentary 1-hour welcome reception with beer, wine and passed hors d’oeuvres
  • One upgrade to a suite for every 50 rooms actualized
  • One upgrade to a club room for every 25 rooms actualized
  • One complimentary VIP amenity for every 10 rooms actualized
  • Signing bonus of 1 point per estimated dollar spent at time of signing
  • Minimum spend of $4,000 or 25 room nights

Value Dates Include:


Feb. 22-28
Mar. 1-2; 6-16
Apr. 11-13
Apr. 20-27
May 1-2,
May 17-31
June 1-3, 15-18
June 26-30
July 1-8, 20-31
Aug. 1-31
Sept. 1-7
Oct. 13-19
Nov. 22-30
Dec. 14-30


Jan. 1-4
Jan. 18-20
April, 4-10
May 24-27
Aug. 1-23
Sept. 6-9
Nov. 22-28
Dec. 21-20