Drive More Group Revenue!
How Teneo Can Help You
Our goal is to work closely with you to understand the challenges that you have and to design a custom plan to impact the time periods that you need the most help with.
Our team at Teneo is made up of former Directors of Sales & Marketing, so we will quickly understand your challenge and present back the ideal solution.
By integrating database marketing to a proven audience, executing unique paid search and retargeting group campaigns, and then merchandising it on the Teneo website, we can provide the necessary power and focus to impact your results.
Client Newsletter
Showcase Your Property!
Teneo creates a monthly newsletter which is sent from each one of our sales representatives to their respective client database. Our newsletter provides clients with information on our newest members, press releases, and industry news. A spotlight featuring your hotel gives your property an exclusive spot for one month. You have the opportunity to include one photo and 150 words to highlight your property. Your spot would also include a “Learn More” button that would bring the readers back to your member page on our website, where we can also highlight any promotions you would like to include.
We will only highlight one member per month.
Exclusive Email Campaign
Reach Thousands Of Meeting Planners!
Our email campaign option allows you to work with our Director of Marketing, Danielle Halbert, to create a targeted email that will showcase your hotel to our database of over 10,000 meeting planners. You can display multiple photos and up to 1,000 words to highlight everything that is wonderful about your property. This is exclusive to your property, as this email blast is all about you.
- We limit our exclusive email blasts to a maximum of 2 emails per month.
- This service allows for 1 email to be distributed during the month of your choice.
- Inclusive of a call to action – an offer in which we can track results of the campaign with an open rate, email activity, and list of metrics.
- For those clients who clicked on the “Learn More” offer we will do a follow up email communication regarding your property.
- This will coincide with a social media marketing campaign to highlight your property (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn).
- We will include up to 6 high resolution photos, a descriptive paragraph and a link back to your member page on our website.
Paid Search Campaigns
Increase Leads & Improve Performance!
Increase leads and improve your hotel’s group performance through carefully crafted campaigns aimed at increasing qualified group leads to your hotel. The primary goal for these campaigns is to generate leads by reaching highly qualified users at the converting phase of the shopping process who are actively seeking to bring group business to your hotel. Consists of branded campaigns in Google and/or Bing aimed to increase RFP completions for group business. Our Paid Search campaigns include:
- Analytics setup and reporting.
- Two campaigns: one in Google AdWords and
one in Bing Ads. - Keyword lists, ads, ad extensions, tracking setup.
- Weekly optimization.
- Main goal: lead generation.
- KPI: RFPs started, RFPs completed, email database signups.
Google Display Remarketing
Serve Highly Targeted Ads!
Re-engage potentially lost leads through Google Display Remarketing by reaching users who have shown interest in your hotel but have not completed an RFP form. The primary goal is to re-engage otherwise lost leads through brand reinforcement, enticing imagery, and inspiring advertising copy. Our Display Remarketing services include:
- 8 Banner Ads – Design & Creation.
- Weekly optimization.
- Retargeting lists creation, optimization, and audience segmentation.
- Tracking & Analytics.
Facebook Retargeting
Re-engage Your Users!
Show ads on Facebook to users who have visited your member page and left without converting. This will re-engage them with amazing ads of your hotel. The primary goal of Facebook Retargeting is to generate leads by re-engaging with past visitors and reinforce your brand as users browse Facebook. Our Facebook Retargeting services include:
- Analytics setup and reporting
- Facebook pixel creation and implementation
- Ad creative design and development
- Weekly optimization
Banner Advertising
Improve Brand Awareness!
Showcase your brand and let potentially new customers know the benefits of hosting their event at your hotel through banner advertising on event publications and websites throughout the web. The primary goal of Banner Advertising is to generate brand awareness and expose your brand to audiences that visit and/or subscribe to meeting and event planning publications and magazines online.
- Banner Ads – Design & Creation
- Carefully managed placements
- Analytics setup and reporting